I'm Thomas Dufresne

I am a game programmer experienced in C++ and Unity, with a particular love of developing systems.


Going Critical Image
Going Critical

2-4 player local coop party game made in Unity. Major project for my second year at AIE, in a group of 7 people.

Train to Teasan Image
Train to Teasan

Narrative driven Unity game. Group project of 5 people: 2 artists, 2 designers, and myself, at the end of my first year at AIE.

Networked Physics System & Multiplayer FPS

Generic system in C++ with RakNet and Raylib, using a custom 3D physics system with friction and SAT collision detection. Authoritative server/client model with client side prediction and input processing.

Aditionaly, a basic multiplayer FPS was made with the system. Players have a rocket launcher dealing damage and appling a force to players its projectiles hit.

Marching Cubes Image
Marching Cubes

An implementation of the marching cubes algorithm on the GPU. The project also has a custom optimised raycast for the generated surface, and custom material data for the terrain.

Disapearing Act Image
The Disapearing Act

VR game made in Unity over 4 weeks in a group of 6 people: 4 designers and 2 programmers. You solve puzzles to unlock a box and escape the room.

GLSL Image

Graphics demonstration in C++ with AIE bootstrap. Textured models using custom shaders, simple lighting, and has GPU instanced particles.

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AI Demo

AI demonstration in C++ with Raylib. Uses A* pathfinding, state machine, and boid flocking, with the map being loaded from a .txt file.

Pinball Image
Pinball Game

A simple pinball game made in C++ with AIE bootstrap to demonstrate a custom 2D physics engine.

Ice Track Trains Image
Ice Track Trains

Small Unity game made for a 2 day game jam at AIE in a team of 6. Trains will move along the tracks, and can move between tracks using switch tracks to avoid collisions.



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